Monday 23 December 2013

Cara Jadi Cewek Branded "Bernilai Tinggi"

Posted By: Jaka Tidar Pras Arjana - 22:06
‘cewek branded’ yang saya maksud di sini ialah menjadi cewek yang bisa dikenal orang karena keistimewaannya dan kelebihannya. Lalu bagaimana cara mem-branding-kan diri kita? Nggak susah.

  • Know Your Worth. Kenalilah keberhargaanmu, kenali potensimu. Ketimbang cuma mikirin segala macam kekurangan, fokuslah pada kelebihan-kelebihan diri kamu. Disadari atau nggak, semua orang itu selalu dikaruniai dengan banyaaaak sekali kelebihan, termasuk kamu! Syukurilah. Dan jadikan itu credit point kamu, skor-nya kamu. Coba telusuri keterampilan apa aja yang kamu kuasai, passion mu apa. Misalnya: apakah berprestasi di dunia akademis, jago masak, IT, jurnalisme, bakat mainin alat musik, mahir gambar, wajah fotogenik, pinter public speaking, dsb. Biasanya kamu punya beberapa kelebihan sekaligus, nah inilah yang akan menjadi brand-ya kamu.
  • Show Your Worth. Tampilkan nilaimu! Inti dari menjadi cewek bermerek ialah: gimana supaya orang ngeh atas keberhargaan dan kekerenan kamu, bahwa kamu adalah cewek yang dikenal karena kepribadian menarik dan dikaruniai keterampilan yang bisa berguna buat orang lain. Bukan cewek yang meninggalkan petunjuk di sana sini berharap disadari keberadaannya alias kode.

Misalnya, kalau kamu gemar fotografi, bergabunglah di komunitas pencinta fotografi, bikin juga blog/akun socmed yang isinya foto-foto hasil jepretanmu. Jika kamu pinter banget bikin kue, silahkan cobain resep-resep baru dan biarkan teman-temanmu mencicipinya. Jika kamu orangnya ramah, jangan bosan menebar senyuman manis. Jika kamu punya jiwa kepedulian sosial yang tinggi, sering libatkan dirimu di acara-acara bakti sosial.

Jadikan karakteristikmu itu konsisten, keterampilanmu itu terpakai, perbanyak gaul, dan biarkan semakin banyak orang yang tahu dan terbantu oleh kamu. Ciptakanlah brand awareness akan dirimu sendiri. Sehingga ketika orang mendengar namamu, yang ikut muncul di benak mereka ialah : “Wuihhh dia kan fotografer handal, jepretannya bagus banget, pinter bikin kue, orangnya nyenengin, dan punya jiwa kepedulian sosial yang tinggi. Mantap!” . Well, itulah citra kamu, brand kamu, nama kamu, pribadi kamu.

Ladies, benar, ini semua tentang pencitraan. Karena diri kita ikut bertanggungjawab atas apa yang orang lain pikirkan mengenai kita. Bila kamu menganggap diri kamu tidak bernilai, orang lain tinggal mengiyakan saja. Jadi sekarang tampilkanlah apa yang terbaik dari diri kamu, biarkan dunia tahu. Brand yourselves!

Sunday 22 December 2013

Health Benefits Of Treadmill (with the privacy of your own home )

Posted By: Jaka Tidar Pras Arjana - 19:52
A treadmill is a low-impact indoor exercise machine that allows a person to walk, jog or run in place by providing a moving running belt over a deck. Treadmills offer the convenience of exercising any time of the day or night within the privacy of your own home.

You might have one at home and they're in every gym: treadmills, the best-known and used machines for cardiovascular exercise. This "moving sidewalk" lets you walk or try out different running techniques, deciding whether to focus on losing weight, getting toned, or improving your cardiovascular capacity.

Training on a treadmill can become your main source of exercise or a complement to it if you're used to running outside but your schedule is not cooperating.
You can also create gradual training programs and eventually run a marathon!

With a treadmill you can exercise to :

1.    Lose weight
There's no doubt! Running and walking are the kinds of exercise that let you burn the most calories and fat!

2.    Toning and fighting cellulite
Walking and running principally involve your legs, glutes, and calves. What is the right workout for toning them and fighting retention problems? By decreasing the speed and increasing the slope, you increase the working time on the belt (supported on the foot) and consequently the contraction of the muscles and blood circulation.

3.    Keeping your heart and joints in shape
The cardiovascular workout you get on a treadmill activates your blood circulation and improves the efficiency of your heart. This gives you better endurance, lets you feel less tired, and gives you better staying power for all your daily activities

Treadmill technology is always changing, but if you are in the market for a treadmill you might want to consider a few basic things :

1.    Make sure the running deck is long enough and wide enough for you to take a natural stride.
2.    If buying a motorized treadmill look for motors that are guaranteed for ten years.
3.    Check the minimum and maximum speeds the treadmill can support. Some treadmills are built for fast walking, not jogging. If you want to jog or run faster than 5mph (8kph), you'll likely need to pay a little more and get a more powerful unit with a maximum speed of 8-12mph (13-19kph).

The ideal is to train three times a week for at least 30 minutes and trying to stay consistent for at least 3 months.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Benefits of Magnesium ( easy ways to healthy lifestyle )

Posted By: Jaka Tidar Pras Arjana - 20:42
Feel fatigued easily ? Maybe you aren't getting enough magnesium.

There is few people are realize of how vital magnesium is for overall health. After plain water, and basic food, magnesium is the forgotten element needed by our bodies.

Magnesium protects against heart disease and heart attacks, high blood pressure and stroke, type II diabetes and much, much more. It is more important than calcium, potassium or sodium and regulates all three of them. Contrary to popular misconceptions, it is magnesium that is actually most important in building strong bones and preventing bone loss.

Most Americans, 8 in 10, do not consume enough magnesium. The countries that have the highest mortality rates in the world are the Scandinavian countries and New Zealand where more calcium is consumed from dairy products, while for comparison the lowest mortality rates in the world are in Portugal and Japan where calcium-rich dairy products are not consumed regularly. Americans consume about 800 milligrams of calcium daily (milk drinkers may get 1200-1500 mgs from their diet alone), but only consume about 275 milligrams of magnesium. ( )

Therefore. I give nicknames magnesium is "The Forgotten Element". Calcium, and magnesium are two of the most important minerals essential for good health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body.

Research on red blood cells has shown that lower levels of magnesium can make the cells more fragile – leading to a decrease in available red blood cells. Red blood cells are vital for increasing your energy levels because they deliver needed oxygen to tissues.

A 2002 study also revealed that low magnesium levels disrupt the body’s efficiency for using energy stores. The researchers assessed the effects of dietary magnesium restriction during exercise in postmenopausal women.

They found low magnesium levels led to higher oxygen use and higher heart rates during exercise.
This suggests magnesium helps to optimize the use of oxygen in order to burn calories and feel more energized, and a lower level of magnesium hinders that process . (

A study by the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota examined the magnesium levels of athletes involved in varied activities, including a small sample of female collegiate runners.

The researchers reported, "a positive trend existed between energy and magnesium intakes in these women. These limited findings suggest that dietary magnesium may be limiting among some physically active women.
( )
Where we can get magnesium?

Magnesium is widely available in different foods – especially green vegetables, cereals, and fruits. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium for young adults is around 400 mg/day for men and 310 mg/day for women.

Eat at least 5 servings of any of these magnesium-rich foods throughout the day:
  • ½ cup of boiled spinach
  • ½ cup of quinoa
  • 1 cup of brown rice
  • 1 cup of kidney beans
  • 1 cup of lentils
  • 1 cup of raisin bran
  • 1 cup of shredded wheat
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • 2 bananas
Although magnesium is exists in many foods, usually only in small quantities. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium can not be met simply from a single meal.

But lifestyle and our work. now make it difficult to meet the needs of our daily magnesium. Now, has many multivitamins that gives us a practical solution to meet the daily needs of our magnesium. Whatever your choice. Do not ever forget the magnesium, for a healthier life.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Magic Touch Come True, With Apple Magic Mouse

Posted By: Jaka Tidar Pras Arjana - 15:39
Apple never stopped innovating and realizing many things that may not into a reality. Now the apple launched a magic mouse that looks elegant also provide a new experience in the work and have fun with a computer.

Apple magic mouse, is an recent innovation who makes everyone want to have it. elegant and modern shape, could make you seemed to were on the future and become actors in science fiction films. Desired experience almost everyone.

This new product appel completely eliminate all the hassle and noise of the previous generation mouse. Because for right click, left click, scroll, and zoom are now using touch technology. This is what makes us seemed to be a film actor in science fiction. Is very Marvellous.

Magic mouse has features that could very easily change the function for left-handed users without compromising comfort and sensitivity set very quickly for gamers and designers who have entrusted the iMac as a friend at work and have fun.

There are a few things who makes me a little shocked and unsure ability of the apple magic mouse. When another mouse manufacturers to innovate with technology Wireless - G 2.4 GHz, apple magic mouse instead chose to use Bluetooth technology to connecting the mouse to the iMac.

Such as mouse which uses wireless technology G-2.4 GHz, the problem of energy sources has always been a major problem because the mouse would need a battery backup and it will be very troublesome.

But to overcome the weaknesses. apple magic mouse has been integrated with the latest Bluetooth technology. and also provide long-lasting battery pack + charger to supplement the shortage of magic mouse.

Latest iMac product will be equipped with this magic mouse. and for those of you who want the magic mouse in a separate package you can buy it at an affordable price $ 69.

My conclusion, this product is very elegant and attractive. because of various hassles and noise of the previous generation mouse. has been replaced with touch technology. and for some weaknesses such as Bluetooth and battery have been perfected with the latest Bluetooth technology and long-lasting battery. This product is sold at a low price. with many advantages that makes anyone want to have it.
by. admin (sorry, my English " poorly " )

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